
How do I create a ruby gem?


Last week, I pulled a file out of my lib directory of a project because I thought that we might try and use it in another project. I really want to prevent a copy paste situation. So this led me to think about, how did I do this 8 months ago?

0. Before You Start

  • Create a account
  • Make sure to query the name of your gem, to see if it already exists

1. gem install bundler Mou icon

Bundler will do most of the heavy lifting. Pick a name for your gem and run…

bundle gem my_gem

Now you should have a directory with your gem name and it contains all of the necessary file needed to start your gem.

2. Build Time

If you run ‘rake -T’ in the terminal, you will see…

rake build # Build my_gem-0.0.1.gem into the pkg directory
rake install # Build and install my_gem-0.0.1.gem into system gems
rake release # Create tag v0.0.1 and build and push my_gem-0.0.1.gem to Rubygems

Run these commands:

  • rake build #to build your gem
  • rake install #just to make sure your gem installs without issue

3. Release my_gem

When the gem is ready for release to

rake release

The first time you do this, you will be asked for your credentials.


This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

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